Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Little Road Trip Part 1

This is the summer of the road trip!  With no major vacations planned this summer, the short trips are what we are doing.  We just finished up a trip to visit Mt. Rushmore, and with a brief layover in Rapid City, SD, we headed up to take a tour of Devil's Tower in Wyoming.  We had a great time, and enjoyed our short two day road trip, with a final stop at our place in Wyoming for the weekend.
We chose to go through Custer State Park, and take the Needles highway, which is a scenic route that boasts beautiful views, great wildlife viewing, and at times a one lane road through the rocks.

One of the many wildlife spottings we had. 
 View of one of the one lane tunnels we went through.
 View of the "needles" in the background,  plus hubby and the kids!
One of the smallest and most narrow tunnels to travel through, our car barely fit.

We also stopped at Sylvan Lake after we passed through the needles cause we needed to get out of the car.
Great view of the lake with the kids and I. 
 Another little wildlife siting.
 After we walked around a small portion of the lake, we took a hop, skip, and jump on these stones to view this...
Hard to argue with the beauty of this break from the car!
Finally we had our fill with our exploration at Sylvan Lake, and on we were to Mt. Rushmore.
With part 2 on the way, where are places you like to take a quick road trip to?

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