Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Back to School Prep

It's official, we are back in school.  Can't believe summer vacation is behind us.  As we were getting ready to go back to school, the school playground needed a little extra love to get ready for all of us.  The gardens needed cleaned out, new plants, and new stepping stones so as to invite the little ones to come in and take a new look.
We needed a few extra supplies from our local hardware store.  The school graciously gave us funds to get this garden in tip top shape for the beginning of the year and a very special party.

A local boy scout group donated time and materials, and built these lovely planter boxes, stained them, and prepped with a little bit of dirt.

We took out the old stepping stones, and had the kids paint them bright colors.  

We added a few more to make hopscotch.

We also had some painting work to brighten up these awnings.  Just a little elbow grease later, they are ready for kids.

Add in a little playtime, and this project was in the bag!  

We did this project not only for the kids returning to school, but we have a special playground dedication coming up this weekend at Pine Lane Elementary.  We will be unveiling the new playground structure dedicated to a very special little boy who lost his life due to illness.  We will remember him always, and I have been blessed to know his mother, father, and older brother.  For more information about this very special dedication, please visit for more information on PJ's and Pancakes taking place this Sunday August 17th.  

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