Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Trip to Miller Farms

Took my kids on a last minute trip to Miller Farms up in Platteville, CO.  They have their fall festival that runs from just after Labor Day until mid way through November.  We were on the tail end, but for $10 a person to fill 5 bags of fresh picked veggies, it's hard to pass that up.

Everyone needs a picture with their head in a farm animal right?  This was just the beginning of our fun.
Extra activities for the kids, but the draw for us was the veggies, so off we went on the hayride to pick veggies from each section of their property.

There was popcorn we picked directly off the corn stalk.

As well as fresh corn on the cob.

We picked sweet potatoes and white potatoes, as well as acorn squash, butternut squash, a few white pumpkins, kale, onions, and carrots. Whew!  Totally amazing opportunity to check these items right off my grocery shopping list!

After all that we needed a rest.

A few carrots with a couple extra fingers!
Bags of potatoes, mom got a bag, and my sister got some, plus a whole drawer for us!
We got 5-6 butternut squash and gave two or three each to my mom and sister.  With so much bounty we just had to share.

Let the processing begin!

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