I went to Walmart, and purchased a set of eight glasses that would be perfect for etching, this set cost me around $8.
Went to my silhouette cameo, and sought out to find a Colorado themed logo that would work. The sky's the limit for creative juices, Colorado was my theme of choice for this one.
I've already cut it out using construction paper to see how it might turn out. And perfect it is.
Went to my local Hobby Lobby craft store, and purchased an adhesive, reusable etching stencil that I could send through my silhouette to be cut.
Followed the instructions for the etching cream, covered the area I wanted etched liberally with the cream, and allowed it to sit for 15 minutes. Then washed off the cream with water.
I think they turned out perfect. I'm ready for the round of birthdays coming our way. Added a six pack of your favorite beer or classic root beer, and you have an inexpensive personalized gift.
Even made a few just for me!
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