Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs


Well it's official, now you all know how old I am!  As the last year in my thirties, I wanted to make it an epic year.  But starting off about 8 weeks ago (birthday date), I didn't know what that would look like.  You can come up with all the usual things like exotic travel, skydiving, and learning to fly a plane which I want to do, but it's starting to become more than that.  I'm starting to recognize just the small little things that are making my life epic. We launched the Discovery Homes website, plus our Etsy store is up and running, so that's where I've been for a month.
The one thing that has been epic at the house is the garden!  You all know what a tough start we had with the weather and warmth, but it has really turned around.  We've got some new comers to our garden scene as well as some old favorites, but let me show you how they are all doing.

The very first garlic crop ever.  Totally can't complain.  I put in 17 cloves, and got between 13-15 garlic bulbs.
First season of the artichoke as well.  I didn't get too many from my 12 plants, however pretty impressed for season one.
The cantaloupe was sweeter and more juicy than anything in the store.
Another new crop to our garden this year was cauliflower.  Planted 5 plants, already roasted and ate 2 heads.  Yum!
The cucumber crop has been incredible.  This is pickle batch number 3, and still have more on the vines.
It's definitely cool season crop time, and the broccoli is growing like crazy.  Pick it, roast it, and eat it for the perfect addition to dinner.
These ladies are the center of our garden this year, and are making a plethora of eggs.  We are getting an average of 6-8 eggs per day.  Perfect addition to our little homestead.
A bumper crop of pumpkins have been harvested this year.  We planted them in the front flower bed due to lack of room, and they thrived here.  We have at least 30 pumpkins of varying varieties.
Using them for little fall decoration outside..
and inside.
Usually when fall is over we throw these guys out for the deer, however this year I will cut up and save many of them for the chickens to eat during the winter.

Looking forward to sharing with you all the things I find to make my 39th year epic.  No matter what your epic looks like, make your life the best it can be.

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