Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

New Year New Signs

What a whirlwind we had toward the end of last year including a couple of firsts for our growing company.  We were pleased to announce our first ever entry into a local craft fair, and that went so well we squeaked into another just a couple of weeks later with equal amounts of success.  2017 also brought the launch of our online store at, plus we put together several custom orders for new and returning customers, with that said we've been a little lax on our blogging which we are ready to change!  Starting off the new year right by giving you a few pictures of some of our custom orders and biggest sellers!

The established sign was by far our biggest seller this year so much so we added a couple of different variations and sizes to the mix as well.

This is the biggest one in production at 24 x 24, and this one established a property, my property actually, but we also created one for a company as well.

The last addition to the established sign was the smallest measuring in at approximately 12 x 12 

This is the perfect smaller size to save on the shipping!

To get your imagination going we wanted to show you a few of the other custom creations our customers wanted made.

This one has such a cool story.  This customer was moving into a new house with her husband and dogs, and they had already named their new house Bessie.  She sent me a picture of a Colorado small town sign, you know the one where you drive into the town and it gives you the name, elevation, and population, and they wanted the name of the house, their elevation, and the population moving into the new house.  What a cool idea, and the sign turned out perfect!

Had another customer want a different wood color so instead of the distressed white-washed look we created with this "Welcome Home" sign, we created it on natural cedar wood instead.

Last but certainly not least I had new customer contact me because she liked the white-washed distressed finish on one of our signs off Etsy, but wanted custom wording on it with a red frame border.  The sky is really the limit on what you can create to enhance your home decor.

We are looking forward to a successful 2018 with more craft fairs and new signs in our future.  Thank you to all of our new and returning loyal customers for a fantastic 2017, we look forward to creating more signs for you this year!

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