Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Need to Soul Feed

 Welcome 2022!!!  I know what you're thinkin...where have you been for three years.  Yes seriously three years.  Well in 2019 my kids were both in high school and as I was struggling to motivate myself to do anything but sit on the couch, watch movies, and drink wine everyday (yes in the middle of the day).  I decided a full time job in an office was a way to get out, make money, and meet new people.  I have a real estate background which I still use, but I was looking to belong with a group of people in the corporate office setting.  I got into the title side of the housing market, and will tell you I did really enjoy the setting.  About six months in an opportunity came along to go into the lender/loan side of the market and I took it.  Literally the day I started the whole world shut down.  I went from being alone everyday all day long to never being alone again, ugh!

Now we were all at home trying to cope in this new world where we never left the house, but the housing market ramped up.  Interest rates hit an all time low and there were loans everywhere.  It was so hard to keep up and learn all at the same time.  We did finally go back into the office in May of 2020, and I will tell you I liked it.  I enjoyed being with other adults making there way through the work place, and developing new connections, but after two years I'm feeling burnt.  I stopped creating, stopped decorating (and re-decorating), and my soul feels empty.  I thought the return to work after raising my kids full time would be the answer however it has not brought me the satisfied life I seek.  I'm not sure I've ever felt this empty even those days on the couch with popcorn and wine felt fuller than where I find myself now. - from Pinterest

OK, so I'm not quitting my job.  The company has expanded into markets in addition to Colorado like California, Utah and Florida and I look forward to growing in those areas, but I need something to feed my soul so here's what I'm doing.

The wood sign shop is opening back up.  We are rolling out a new website that will include the shop and the blog all under one domain.  I'm probably the most excited about this.  I'll definitely keep you posted when we launch it.  I'm hoping by the end of January we will reopen for online biz!  We have a bunch of new designs that we are super excited to share.

I want to read more.  I have a whole library full of books that seek to be read.  I currently have about eight new books that I haven't started yet just waiting for me.  Thinking if I can read one book per month give or take, I'd be satisfied.  Already have one book under my belt.  John Grisham's latest "The Judges List".  This was a fast read mainly because I started it on the beach is sunny FL over Christmas break.  There really is no better place to read than in a lounge chair on the beach listening to the ocean so I'm already one book in for the year (I finished it January 10th so it counts).  Next up on the book list is "The Little Paris Book Shop".

I do really love cooking.  While I haven't cooked dinner every night like I used to before I started working, there is something simply satisfying about cooking.  It blows dining at a restaurant out of the water according to my family and I.  So with that said my most far fetched goal of 2022 is create my own cookbook simply for myself.  My kitchen table is currently covered in cookbooks, my favorite recipes, and new ones to try out of magazines.  I'll let you know how I fair! 

Yes this is truly my kitchen table as it looks right now.  My husband is patient with me! LOL

There are definitely a few more items on the soul feeding list for this year like practicing the piano more, yoga daily, and of course gardening, but if a few of these ideas start to feed the emptiness of my soul it's going to be a good year! 

Cheers to the New Year and a more soul satisfying journey!

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