Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Old Windows Done Seven Different Ways

I start by saying I love old windows, there has never been one that I can think of that I didn't like. With glass, without glass, broken glass it doesn't matter, I love old windows.  I pick them up where and when I can on my treasure hunts.  Here are a few ways that I have used old windows in some of my projects.

Let's look at them individually!

This is an old storm window that we came across, and we painted a hand-drawn tree silhouette.  Click here to view how we created this project.

Finishing up the family tree wall in our house, and used a couple of old windows that make these smaller pictures stand out on our large wall.

Just simply hung as art work in the hallway.

Used this one to give us height on top of our armoire, and we started training this vine to grow up.

We added a wreath decorated it with our monogram from old dead tree branches.  Can't wait to show you how we transformed the look of this hallway with this addition.

We used these in our craft studio to hang children's art work and design ideas for inspiration, added the dark brown color behind each window to make them stand out.

Last but certainly not least is our newest addition to the old window collection.  We made this medicine cabinet with an old 2x6 and our old window as the door.  We use this for storage in the downstairs bathroom.  We are creating this bathroom on the cheep, and we will show you soon how we are saving money through salvage and a little ingenuity. 

Hope this has inspired you to add old windows throughout your home decor!!  Send some pics our way with how you all have used old windows in your home's decor.  Can't wait to see what you've created.

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