Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs
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Helping Bring Spring Along a Little Quicker

It's finally starting to feel like spring a little bit.  While we were in the deep freeze last week, my husband and I spent some much needed time in sun this weekend washing cars and sitting on the deck soaking up the rays.  In an effort to bring on spring, we are working on getting our veggie garden ready for the summer growing season and the seed start has begun.  I order my seeds from Botanical Interests, and in the most recent catalogue they provided a real cool guide on when to start certain seeds indoors.  Handy!

Need to Soul Feed

New Valentine's Designs

Are you looking to give your house some home decor love this Valentine's Day?  Wanted to share with everyone some of the newest designs in the shop.

Looking Forward to a Little Green Even if it's Just Inside!

Whose ready for spring yet?  I know I say I want snow, but with two good snowstorms under our belt in the last week or so as well as a school closure, I'm kinda itching to see some green instead of all the white.  I know green isn't coming outside for a while, but to brighten our spirits I'm bringing the green inside.  So the plan is to start lettuce and spinach seeds indoors, but I needed a place to plant them so I created these planting crates out of cedar wood and some leftover barnwood.  Come on and see how easy these are to make, and you probably have all the supplies necessary already!

Colorado Week

I did a Colorado theme last week and created a collage of all things Colorado which means a few new designs needed to be created to make this wall complete.

Winter Decor Finished (Part 2)

It may have taken an extra few days, but all the winter decor is finished.  I've added a few more snowmen, wooden trees, as well as a complete remake of one of our winter signs.  Come take a peak at the last of the winter decor projects.