Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Pool Pad

Remember the finally project complete post?  At the end I added a picture of where the new pool pad was going.  Well guess what?!?  I finished it, again we sense a finishing project theme again! :)  My kids were away at camp last week, so I took the opportunity to get this project going.  With 4 days of labor intensive work, the new pool pad looks fabulous, and ready for the new bigger pool.

Here is the before picture with the tramp in our little rock garden, and the circular retaining wall bricks to make the pool level.

So day one came on Saturday with the kids and my hubby helping move a lot of those rocks to make way for a rectangular pool.  This is day two with almost all the retaining wall bricks in place, we just needed to move the trampoline.

With the tramp officially moved, day three got under way with the finish of the bricks around the outside of the pool space.  I still had a lot rock to move yet, but you can see it coming together!

Day four started out with moving more rocks, and spreading out all the pea gravel.  By mid-morning the sand had arrived, and the spreading began again.

Sand dumping time.

And we have a beautiful pool pad, plus a little sand left over, might even make a sandbox!
With a little yoga thrown in every morning, I can still move. I like checking things off the list!
Cheers to another project in the books!

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