View from the deck, yet to be finished, and the stairs that lead out of my backyard yet to be finished, but working on it!! And the little square space is for the outdoor fireplace. Still need to come up with a design, I don't have a vision just yet, but send me pics if you have some good ideas.

I still finally have something to celebrate. Beautiful red daylilies, white daisies, and purple penstemons.
I have dark purple bearded iris, plus ornamental grass.

But my favorite has to be the wine and roses.
Gorgeous deep red foliage with pretty pink flowers in the spring. I did splurge a little and purchase these beauties!

The project became less expensive, because I divided the flowers in my existing gardens, and added them to this wall space, plus the rock came from a neighbor and my own stash seen here. The retaining wall blocks off to the left are where our above ground pool sits in the summer, but guess what...another project on the horizon is to expand the space for a bigger pool. I know, I'm crazy, you might think I like dirt work, but alas I don't! Tramp will be moved, along with much of this rock, and a new pool will be in it's place hopefully by the end of next week. Stay tuned to see how it's going, or if I can still move my body!
Happy Gardening
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