Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

The Chickens are here

Don't even need any words, just a cute picture.

Originally we were going to start our brood with eight chickens, but a nagging feeling and some advise from other chicken owners prompted me to get a few more.  My husband has a friend who loses several chickens every year to predators no matter what they seem to do, so I thought that adding a few more chicks was a way to insure some loss to predation while having my first flock be a success.

Image result for buff orpingtonI ended up adding three Buff Orpington variety of chicks which are docile and handle the cold well.  I also got one more Easter Egger for a total of six chicks this time around.

I pick up the rest of my brood on Friday, which will be

Image result for black wyandotte  Black Wyandotte

Image result for silver laced cochin  Silver laced Cochin

I'm picking up an extra one of each for a total of twelve chickens for my first flock.
My husband built me a perfect brooder for the chicks, and will accommodate far more chicks than I've ordered, but hopefully this will give me an opportunity to grow and expand my flock in the future.

We had some old pieces of scrape plywood lying around, which made for the perfect box for the chicks with plenty of room to run around.

Seems the kids are super happy with the start of our flock!  Super good chicken sitters they are.

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