Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Quick and Easy Last Minute Halloween Decorations

Halloween is almost here!!  We tend to go all out for Halloween, but thought we needed a few more decorations this year, so at the last minute we created a few.

We made these cute luminaries with nothing more than mason jars, paint, and gauze.  So easy!

First you gotta paint your jars.  We made ghosts and jack-o-lanterns so orange and white it is!  Paint on glass is picky so make sure you let the paint dry completely before adding the faces, don't rush this you'll be sorry believe me I know!

Using a black sharpie we add the faces to our jars.

A little black acrylic paint, and wallah you have yourself some cute luminaries.

Don't forget the lids, we used green and black spray paint to add the finishing touches.

Next up, we are making some mummies!

Mason jars, gauze, google eyes, and some hot glue are all you need.

Finally we cut bats out of plan old construction paper, and hot glued them on to these birch branches we purchased at our local craft store. 

We spray painted this tall metal bucket black, added our branches filled with bats, and topped it off with the spiders.

Halloween is almost here!  Hope we've inspired you to create a few last minute decorations for your home.  Bring on the candy!

1 comment

  1. Those are adorable! The mummies are my favorite. Can't wait to see them first hand next week. Awesome stuff!!!
