Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Creating Decorations Using Some of Our Favorite Music

We are quickly closing in on Christmas!  With less than two weeks left we are feverishly getting our presents bought and wrapped and enjoying the benefits of the season by getting together with friends and family.  We are still doing a few additions to the Christmas decorations, but this one's a little different.  

We decided to take some of our favorite Christmas tunes and turn them into decorations for our music room.

We started out by creating these boards from a left over piece of wood from a garage project.  It's actually the cutout from our big sink in the garage.  We save everything here, never know when you can use it!  We cut the board to the size of our music roughly, and used our router to give them a nice edge.  We ended up with four individual boards.

We chose a few of our favorite Christmas tunes to display, and made them the correct size to fit our boards.

After giving the boards a dark walnut stain, which you know is among one of our favorite stain colors, we did a test fit of the music, and cut the paper as necessary to fit perfectly.

They were printed on card stock we had, but wanted them to have an aged old look to them, so we did a little coffee stain on the paper to age them up a bit.

Finally we burned the edges with a lighter to age them some more.

They are attached to the boards using mod-podge.

These are hung above the windows that are above the piano, perfect addition for our music room.🎝🎜🎝🎜

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