Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Easy Christmas Decorations that Spruce Up the Porch

Well the Christmas tree is up and decorated, and the inside of the house is all decked out for the season, but our front porch needed a spruce up for the holidays.  We created these trees out of inexpensive garland and old tomato cages.  Come see how easy these are to make!

These trees were just the addition the porch needed to make it shine.

First we start with the garland, each tree needed about 4 pieces of 9 foot garland.  Depending on the size you want to make your tree you could use less or more.

Poor tomato cage doesn't hold up tomatoes well any more, but garland it will do!

Remember these posts we created for our fall porch overhaul.  Click here to see how we made them.
And now we can use them for our Christmas decor as well, and the cage fits right over the bucket.

Simply wrap the garland around the cage, hook the wire on the cage to secure it, and start fluffing out your garland.

All fluffed out

Next up the lights.  We added two strands of 70 count LED lights on each tree.

You even get a little of the inside tree!

Quick and easy decorations to spruce up your holiday decor, now to create a few more things for the porch to round out the look, stay tuned!

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