Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Garden Update

Wanted to give you all a little update on the new veggie garden, how it's doing, and what we've collected so far.

This is our second season for artichokes, and we are seeing huge success from last year.  We have at least 7-9 growing artichokes with more on the way.

Just started harvesting yellow squash.

We've collected quite a few zucchini squash already, and these plants will produce well into late summer and early fall. Friends and family watch out I'll be giving these away left and right soon.

These are our white pumpkins and we added this metal bed frame to have them grow a little bit more vertical to save some space.

Butternut squash growing up too

We have already harvested some of our kale, and we have more on the way.

 Cabbage is looking good

Finally we have corn that is knee high by the 4th of July, and now it's almost waist high.  When my dad comes over to check out the garden the Iowa farmer comes out in him, and he always says "Girl it's not knee high by the 4th of July", well now that's changed!

We've harvested our crop of radishes and they were delicious.  We'll plant another round of this delicious veggie.

We are having salads all the time with heads of lettuce like this,

With a little help from our chickens watching over it all!  Soon I'll have more pictures of the new berry garden as well as some of the harvest from our herb garden, stay tuned.

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