Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Discover Your Home Goes to Discover the Outdoors

With just weeks before we start the back to school routine, we realized we hadn't even gone camping yet.  We managed to jet around the globe this summer, but had yet to discover our own backyard.  Our family is fond of finding a place in a wilderness area, pulling off the road, and setting up camp.  Found the perfect new place to set up our camp right near the summit of Vail Pass.  

Well here is our camp!  After searching for what felt like a long time, we found this fairly secluded huge site next to the river with plenty of shade.

Some of my most favorite pictures I have of the kids are with their backs to us adventuring ahead, plus we don't know if they're fighting or not!  This is our first hike up National Forest Road 758 and it was steep.

Cool view at the start of our hike.

It's the building of our campfire, and we love the help.

We were camping off of Shrine Pass Road which we took up and over to the Vail Pass summit, but first we took a quick hike to an overlook of Mt of the Holy Cross, a 14er which we will conquer at some point in the future, but right now we were happy for the view and the family picture.

At the top of Shrine Pass we hiked the Shrine Ridge Trail which was about 2-3 miles to the summit, and the views were amazing long the way and at the top.  

This picture doesn't do the wild flowers justice, they were absolutely amazing.

At the top

I love to find these markers, and make note where we've been.

View of the river from our campsite

This family picture might make the Christmas card, and now that we are home, it's time for a shower!


  1. What a great pic, and an awesome Christmas card as well. Ill watch our mailbox!! Have fun guys!!

    1. You'll have to see if it makes the cut!! Thanks Angela
