Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Change for 2014

I've started already with a few of my New Year's resolutions, my easiest one is to not use plastic bags anymore.  I still haven't come up with a solution that eliminates the bags for fruits and veggies, and as soon as I do I'll share, but I want to make sure that I don't use any plastic bags to bring my goods home with me, and not just from the grocery store, but every store I go to.

I have 12 races (at least a 5K) that I plan on doing again this year.  Last year I hit 10 races, and while I feel successful with this, I'm striving for 12.  The Polar Bear 5K is the first one I want to run this year, and at least one for every month of the year. 

My mother has also challenged me to start meditating.  She has suggested that I meditate 1 minute everyday in the month of January, 2 minutes in the month of February, and so on.  When you finish the year, you are meditating 12 minutes everyday.  While those who truly meditate do it for at least 20 minutes and longer, I feel like this is a great start to get me into the habit of calming my mind, which tends to run wild. 

The last resolution that I want to accomplish and soon, is a whole body cleanse.  I don't want to do the ones from a box that you can buy at any drugstore, but I'm on the search for one that uses whole foods to cleanse the body, like brown rice and most veggies.  I also have a plan to not drink any alcohol for entire month.  I feel like if I can do this, then I don't have a larger problem on my hands!  :)  I'm still in search of one that fits what I'm looking for, and as soon as I find it I will share.

I feel like these are attainable goals that I can do to produce a few of the changes that I'm seeking for this year!

Happy New Year

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