Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

That's a Gardening Wrap, Almost

The growing season is almost over.  Can't believe how fast this summer went.  As we clean up and harvest the last of the summer's bounty, we thought we'd show you how we are wrapping up in the garden.

We have just harvested our first ever crop of potatoes, aren't they cute.  Looking forward to expanding the variety we grow next season.

We have picked the corn already, but the corn stalks will be used to add to our fall and Halloween decor outside, nothing goes to waste.

This could very well be our last big harvest of tomatoes this season.  We have more than enough pasta and pizza sauce to last us well into the winter.  It's nice to have a dinner in the dead of winter that reminds you of warmer days!

We had the most successful crop of artichokes this year, but this sadly is the last one.

Our first year of the celery crop, and what a success.  We'll definitely add this to the crop rotation every year.

We still have tons of onions out in the garden that we pick when needed.  Once the first big frost is in the forecast, we will go pick the remainder of them to be dried and used well into the fall.

Plenty of sunflower seeds to go around.  We'll save several of the seeds for next years sunflower crop; we'll roast some for ourselves, and the birds and chickens will fill up on seeds too.

Our blackberries were a huge success this year, and as you can see we still have more that are ripening everyday.  We wash the berries, lay them on a baking sheet, and freeze them.  Once frozen we store them in freezer bags till ready for use.  From tarts and crumbles to a sweet treat in our morning oatmeal, these will be welcome all winter.

We are still working on harvesting and drying the herbs for use this winter, and the garlic planting season is upon us as well.  Stay tuned!

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