Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

It's the Last but Not Least Organizing Element

We've almost done it, the last piece of the puzzle to finish up for our work studio so we are totally organized and have enough storage for all things crafty.  Just a few small touches to finish up before we give you the grand tour, but first let's see what we did this week!

That's right we turned the last salvaged door into a chalkboard/shelf unit to hold a few more items.

Remember these?  We turned the one on the left to a set of library shelves and made sure we featured that cool lock, and the other one just became our new chalkboard and set of storage shelves.

We added three shelves all painted with chalk paint so we could write on them and keep motivated.

On the top of part of the door we went to the silhouette to create a saying that would keep us inspired and always thinking about what to create next.

Because we wanted the saying to be permanent instead of using chalk, we used chalk paint.

Last but certainly not least we decorate our shelves.  I have several of these books we use for one place to keep all of the inspiring pictures that magazines have to offer.  Much easier than keeping the whole magazine.

We have created our last big piece for this room, and with a few minor finishes we'll unveil the whole space next week!  Can't wait!

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