Colorado Inspired

Colorado Inspired
Colorado Inspired

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign

Winter Wonderland Wood Sign
Winter Wonderland

Valentine's Designs

Valentine's Designs
Valentine's Designs

Keeping the Christmas Tree Cutting Tradition

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a peaceful long weekend, we sure did here.  Thanksgiving was just perfect at our house, but with the passing of Thanksgiving comes the all out blitz to decorate for Christmas.  While we are not quite finished with all the final touches just yet, we are well on our way to making our house a winter wonderland.  Along with all the Christmas decorating, we also go out as a family to cut down a Christmas tree out of the National Forest with a permit of coarse!!

We had the perfect tree cutting weather with the snow lightly falling, and had a great time cutting down our tree this year.

It's all about the hunt!  In a forest full of trees finding the right one can be a challenge, but always worth the effort.

Gotta make snow angels!!

Soaking it in.

We always have some hot chocolate when the hunt is over, now to get it home and decorate.

Before we start my daughter and I prepare this special meal full of fun foods we eat while decorating, and the boys are making sure the tree fits just right in the room and then the light go up.  We are ready to add the ornaments.

Finally when we are all done hanging the ornaments it's a time for playing some Christmas tunes on the piano.

Would love to hear some of the special traditions you have for the Christmas season.  It's truly the most wonderful time of the year! ♫ ♪♫

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